What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...

Maybe you've heard of "Fake News"? The same happens in the world of acoustics! Here's a place for discussing acoustic myths, legends, mysteries, "questionable" treatment, scams, hoaxes, and just plain old bad information about acoustics, sound, and audio.
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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 01:45

Things aren't what they used to be any more!

A quarter of a million dollars just doesn't seem to go very far, these days...

For example, if you are looking for a turntable for your audiophile system, this is about all you can get for such a miserable, pathetic amount of money...

This is not a joke (at least, I don't think it is! They do seem to be serious...). That really is the price for an "Invictus Neo" turntable, with a black stand, TA-9000 tone arm, and a brass armboard. Only US$ 247,980.00 :shock:

You can try out other options yourself, if you think that combination just doesn't live up to your standards:

https://www.thecableco.com/analog/turnt ... table.html


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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby Starlight » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 05:45

So I can either have my studio and something over US$200,000 in cash or one turntable without the records, the rest of the stereo system nor the room to play it in? Thank you Stuart, that was an easy decision for a Monday morning!

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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby gullfo » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 09:07

sh*t, the cables are going to cost twice that...

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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 11:13

gullfo wrote:Source of the post sh*t, the cables are going to cost twice that...
Right! And they do have cables for you! For example, they have 2 meter long (6 foot) power cables, for plugging in your gear to the electric outlet on your wall.... only US$ 18,000 each. And they even have USB cables, for a measly grand a piece....

Browsing around that site is a real eye-opener... I'm pretty sure it must be operated by the team from Comedy Central, and was launched on the first day of April...

There really is one born every minute!

And they really are parted from their money, soon!

(I've never figured out the logic behind those power cables: How is a 6 foot long piece of "special" wire supposed to make an amazing difference, when there's a few hundred MILES of ordinary wire behind that, going back to the original power generator? Hmmmmm.)

(Oh yeah, and those power cables are advertised as having "no impedance at all". Zero. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Not even a vague hint of impedance. That tells you all you need to know about the technical knowledge of the people who buy them... and make them... and produce the marketing sewer stream!! )

- Stuart -

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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 11:16

Starlight wrote:Source of the post Thank you Stuart, that was an easy decision for a Monday morning!
Some decisions sure are easier than others, aren't they? :) Wait until you see their prices for the "accessories" you will undoubtedly NOT need in your studio.... Many other easy decisions there! I made quite a few such easy decisions, as I browsed that website... :D

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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby SoWhat » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 14:01

Greetings Stuart,

That bridge I was going to sell you now seems like a real bargain, eh?

All the best,


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What can you get for a quarter of a million dollars...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Aug-30, 14:28

SoWhat wrote:Source of the post That bridge I was going to sell you now seems like a real bargain, eh?
Damn! I'll take three of those any day, over one of these! :lol: :thu: Much better value for money...

- Stuart -

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