Studio Build- Central Portugal

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Postby Dr Space » Tue, 2021-Nov-23, 13:29

Nov 9th

The guys showed up about 9 and went to work on the outside windows and front of the building. Later they managed to get the door in and at the end of the day they were putting the plasterboard in the window sills so they can paint this and silicone the first windows and be able to do the 2nd windows. Paul showed up about 1030 and said the wood was going to be about 5500€.. He thought this was a bit high and was asking for a price breakdown as maybe the chipboard will be cheaper at the Veloso shop, where it was like 1100€… He will know more tomorrow. I guess the guys will perhaps start to paint the outside tomorrow? We will see. Anyway, the cellnet board is due to arrive tomorrow or Thursday.

Nov 10th

Looks like they are nearly finished with the rendering of the outside of the building and around the windows. I guess the first coat of sealent before the paint is soon. They also fixed the door properly today and did some work on the live room windows, getting them ready to put the 2nd windows in. Early next week. I guess.

Nov 11th

Guys showed up about 9 and worked on the outside, windows and door frame. All is ready to paint on the outside now. I guess they start that tomorrow. Looks like they will silicone the windows tomorrow as well on the outside and the small ones on the inside as well and then they can put the 2nd set of windows in the live room. We need some sort of door step. I found some nice floor tiles left over from downstairs that should work. Hope that Paul shows up tomorrow. Nothing was delivered this week for the inside. See what happens tomorrow.

Nov 12th

Paul and the guys arrived around 9 and they had the cellnet board. Damn, that stuff is heavy!! It is all unloaded into the live room. The finished putting in the 2nd windows in the live room and sealed them with silicone so they are done in their now. They are working on the door step, and the plasterboard and granite window sills for the big windows and door today. After that they will start to paint the outside with the two different layers.

I got the quote for the wood materials:

Laminated beams 2950€
22 Sheets  Chipboard (19mm sheet)  850€

15 Sheets  Plywood (19mm sheet) 1100€
60 lengths of 50x70mm wood at 2.4m 500€

5400 +IVA

I will get the invoice directly from Antonio Marques.

Nov 15th

I did some painting on the entrance a bit on one of the walls in the live room yesterday. it went pretty well and looks nice. Gives me an idea for what it might look like finished. Tom is going to come to paint the ceiling on Friday.

Nov 16th

Joules has come back with a price quote and estimates it will be 30-35 days of work. HIs labour cost is high (2 people) so this is a significant cost but not unexpected as he and his crew are experts. The price for his additional materials is 18,000€, excluding doors, windows and flooring. Anyway, once we agree on this then we will set a date for him to begin.

The rest of the wood materials he has ordered will hopefully arrive this week or next. I will keep you posted but we should be on track to have most everything finished early next year unless we get held up by windows and doors which seem to take forever to get here… Will know a bit more tomorrow.

By the way, I had a huge fall today on top of my ladder and have broken 1 rib. No idea how long I will be out of commission..

Nov 17th

Guys showed up a bit before 9 but I did not see or talk to them before we headed to the physiotherapist for Sue.
They worked more on the outside of the building as well as the window and door frame plastering. Only one more layer of materials on the sides of the building and then they are ready to paint. They still need to do the pointing on the granite stone on both sides, Outside of the building is nearly complete. Tom managed to paint all the ceilings and walls inside today and it looks great. Only needs to be painted around the windows and door where they were still doing plaster work.

Nov 23rd

Only José showed up today and he started to sand the areas they plastered on the inside last Friday. Paul showed up around 10 and brought more sand for making cement and gave José some instructions about fixing the wall. He will do the cement part today and the waterproofing treatment tomorrow and we hope they can put the tube in and buried before the rains on Thursday. We will see. I guess Gil will be here tomorrow, apparently he is helping the family collect olives. They have over 1500kg! Wow.. Paul and I talked about the ventilation system, windows, doors, etc… hard to make any decisions on these until Joules is actually here. I wonder if he has time to visit before he starts the work.. José complete the concrete work to seal the top wall and will treat it with the waterproofing material tomorrow and Thursday they will put the drainage tube in an bury it again. Have the contract from Joules and we only have to find a time for him to start and me to transfer him the first money and we are ready to go.

here are some new pictures.

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Postby Starlight » Wed, 2021-Nov-24, 06:47

Dr Space wrote:Source of the post15 Sheets Plywood (19mm sheet) 1100€
During the first lockdown I paid 90€ per sheet of 18mm plywood (my plans say 19mm but I can only find 18mm in Slovakia). I see you are paying 73€ so it looks like prices are slowly recovering.
Dr Space wrote:Source of the postI had a huge fall today on top of my ladder and have broken 1 rib.
Ouch! Get well soon. All the best.

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Postby endorka » Wed, 2021-Nov-24, 08:43

Looking well good. I really like these narrow windows!

What a bummer about your broken rib. What is it with building studios and rib injuries? I popped a rib some months ago while building the ventilation system here. Not as bad as a break but still not pleasant. Hope yours heals soon.


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Postby Dr Space » Thu, 2021-Nov-25, 14:55

Thanks folks..... The broken rib is so uncomfortable.. Not so painful anymore but makes it hard to sleep. That is the worst thing. Good thing is the building is waterproofed now and in 2 days more is finished and we just wait for Joules. Some more of his materials are supposed to arrive tomorrow but this is Portugal and they would rather tell you over and over, "we bring it tomorrow", even if they don´t even have it, and tell you that over and over, rather than just say, it will be another 2-3 weeks... Crazy..... :D

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Postby Dr Space » Thu, 2021-Nov-25, 14:57

A Quick question... for the live room I am planning to have a custom printed linoleum floor. Do you think this material would be ok for between the flooring and the concrete? ... F_82481664

all the best

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Postby Starlight » Thu, 2021-Nov-25, 15:29

Scott, check with the company that will lay the linoleum floor. They will know whether an underlay can be used or not. If you can use it, make sure it is glued down, not just loose-laid.

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Postby Dr Space » Fri, 2021-Nov-26, 06:10

Thanks. We are planning to lay it ourselves but I will check with the manufacturer. My biggest problem is the builder did not pour a very good floor. Cement was too dry so there are quite some rough patches and it is too late to repair them with cement. It will require some filler or the material under might work. I look into it.

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Postby Starlight » Fri, 2021-Nov-26, 08:51

Scott, have a look at and read about the linoleum floor in my studio, which is the first half of post 192. The skim coating (follow the link to the product) was because our floor was not perfectly flat, something it needed to be. This product will mean that you will not need the product you mentioned in post 125 above.

When the white skim layer had dried, the linoleum was loose laid in place, even through our little kitchen and toilet areas in one piece. There were two installers. One cut some cutouts for the doorways, always leaving generously more linoleum than he needed while the second installer made sure that the linoleum was laying perfectly flat on the floor with no creases anywhere. The first installer then continued, patiently cutting away at the edges so that the linoleum was only just too wide for the room and then went around a third time trimming it so that the linoleum lay perfectly in position with less than a 5mm gap between the edge of the linoleum and the walls and door frames. All the time the second fitter was continually checking the linoleum lay flat.

When they finished that and were happy, they gently folded up half of the length of the linoleum (the other half being the anchor for the perfect positioning of the linoleum) and put PVC glue - this glue - on the bare floor using a small paint roller, left it for an hour and then they unrolled the folded section, being careful to make sure it lay perfectly as it came into contact with the now almost dry glue. They then folded up and glued the other half.

Having seen it being done once I can imagine that someone who is proficient at practical things could do it, with help.

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Postby Dr Space » Sun, 2021-Nov-28, 06:19

Yes... I now realize it will be best to get someone professional to do this for sure. I am guessing maybe Joules even has experience doing this. I hope to talk to him this week. The building is done after Tuesday and we are just waiting for the wood now for the control room and other parts and I hope he can start in a few weeks. :mrgreen:

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Postby Dr Space » Sun, 2021-Dec-05, 16:00

Had a 4hr meeting with Joules yesterday and we discussed a lot of things which was great and looks like they start before Christmas if all the materials arrive. The biggest decision we made was to not put a window in the control room to the live room and to use TV screens instead. He said this was cheaper and would make it easier to do the front of the room and acoustic would be better. My biggest issue is to sort out some internal doors and get some one professional to do the floor!

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Postby endorka » Mon, 2021-Dec-06, 06:37

I don't have a window from the control to live room either, and it has never been a problem. Your ears tell you when someone goes off mic or whatever. I tried a camera in the live room linked to a screen in the control room once, but didn't use it, so put it away in the cupboard :D

I can envisage some situations where the lack of a window might complicate some things, but in practice it's never been a big deal here.


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Postby gullfo » Tue, 2021-Dec-07, 11:54

i've found, to be effective, the camera-video monitor set should be a) hardwired, and b) using a dedicated video controller/switcher managed via software on the computer. this way the monitor can provide not only visual (nice and clear due to hardwire and no sucking up computer resources) but also lyrics, timers, distractions (while waiting...), security integration with premises cameras, and so on.

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Postby endorka » Tue, 2021-Dec-07, 15:25

That makes a lot of sense Glenn. I tried a little pan tilt zoom camera, but it made whirring noises when it moved, so no good for the live room :D

Does having cameras on musicians make them self conscious at all?

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Postby Starlight » Tue, 2021-Dec-07, 23:41

endorka wrote:Source of the postDoes having cameras on musicians make them self conscious at all?
In my experience they are no worse than the effect a red recording light seems to have.

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Postby endorka » Wed, 2021-Dec-08, 07:18

Starlight wrote:Source of the post
endorka wrote:Source of the postDoes having cameras on musicians make them self conscious at all?
In my experience they are no worse than the effect a red recording light seems to have.

Good stuff. It might actually make some of them better :D


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