New Control Room in Italy

Document your build here: All about your walls, ceilings, doors, windows, HVAC, and (gasp!) floated floors...
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New Control Room in Italy


Postby Soundman2020 » Thu, 2021-Jun-24, 22:58

I'm playing catch-up on really old threads, Lucio, and I think it is WAY past time that we re-connect, and get back into your build!!!
It would be great if you could update your thread with the current state of the build, hopefully with some recent photos of where you are, and I'll get back into the SKP model, to see what needs to be done to get you back on the best possible track. I'm so, so sorry to have just sort of dumped your build, seeming to abandon you, but certainty not because I wanted to!!!! On the "Sadness" thread, I know that you know why. So let's gt this show on the road again!

- Stuart -

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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Fri, 2021-Jun-25, 06:13

Thank you so much Stuart,
your message yesterday really made me very happy, mainly in knowing that you are better now.
I must admit that I had a lot of disorientation about your absence, you know ... sometimes we also lose faith, and I think this experience will strengthen my trust in hope ..... always!

I will certainly update everything with photos and comments, it will be a long post.

The best for you,


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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Sun, 2021-Jul-11, 18:04

Hello everybody,

Stuart is back in great health, at least I hope so .... I see that he is recovering very quickly and is particularly active in the forum.
I also saw that Glenn (Gulfo) joined us, I know him indirectly, it's fantastic.

It's time that I too resume this thread with the updates that we managed to make in several months, COVID has really "reset" us, economically and for the limited time we have been able to dedicate to the construction of the new control room (A) for which Stuart gave us advice for the front and an overall idea of ​​the treatment of the back.

Unfortunately, when Stuart had health problems we were a bit confused .... we didn't have the measures to build the back and I managed to derive them quite "empirically" from the Sketchup video he sent me.
The same goes for the platform that we made from the entrance, Stuart had recommended an overall height of 18 cm, with underlying cavities that he would have liked to "tune" but ..... we have to be satisfied with 14 cm in height due to of problems related to the entrance door etc etc.

Guys .... it was really a hard job even if you don't perceive much from the pictures, especially to make and assemble the "hangers" made with a 12mm chipboard core and 30mm fiberglass on each side with a density of 20kg / mc, I don't remember the flow resistance but I think about 10000. The heaviest panels are over 40kg, consider that the height of the room is 3.48mt.

We have proceeded to install the HVAC ducts, on the front there will be the suction, I have inserted in the ducts some valves (DIY) that are adjustable since we can then adjust the quantity of suction from the top of the speakers and from the 2 side compartments at the bottom that will house any amplifiers or processors for 5.1, we have an oversized HVAC system, if interested in taking pictures of that too.

The silencers are not yet completed, or rather, we have only made that of the supply air which is located outside the rear wall, and it was really difficult to mount it in that position .... it weighs a lot!

Where are we?
Now we are completing the rounded parts of the back treatment with vertical slats, we have built frames that are individually covered with the black fabric.
We are ready to place the speakers and do some tests before finally deciding how to aesthetically complete the front.
We wanted to make triangular traps that run between the corners of the ceiling / side walls, we will have to carry out the treatment of the side walls that include the window on one side and the window towards the live room on the other side.
In this treatment we will have to think about how to support the rear speakers which, as Stuart thought, will not be equidistant from the front ones and therefore the LCR speakers will then have to be delayed by a processor to keep the entire system in phase.

On the platform, we want to build a desk that will serve to host our outboard divided into three paired racks and useful above (from behind) to have a laptop for editing or a keyboard.

I believe that during the week they will give us the door and the 2 glass (those towards the live room), we are preparing everything to be able to assemble them in the correct way.

The following pictures are not in perfect chronological order, if you have any curiosity or anything else that I can satisfy .... I will be happy to do so, also ...I await the severe comments of Stuart, I am sure we have already made several mistakes, I will send him the sketch of the current situation even if I am not able to draw the details, I think the photos will be more useful.
I'll be back soon with updates

the best to everyone,

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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Sun, 2021-Jul-11, 18:05


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New Control Room in Italy


Postby garethmetcalf » Sun, 2021-Jul-11, 18:14

Looks amazing! Those hangers are very big!


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New Control Room in Italy


Postby Starlight » Mon, 2021-Jul-12, 06:26

What amazing progress you are making, Lucio. Bellisimo!
lostandfound wrote:Source of the post... 400 square meters of structure for exclusive musical use, 4 rehearsal rooms, a live room, a large "events" room and 2 control rooms, the largest of which will be the subject of this thread .
I do hope that you will be kind enough to show us your other rooms. Are the other rooms finished or will they be done after this control room?

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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Mon, 2021-Jul-12, 15:35

Thank you my friends for your kind comments.
garethmetcalf wrote:Source of the post Looks amazing! Those hangers are very big!

Gareth, unfortunately they are also heavy and we had to think of an anchoring system that did not affect the insulation of the ceiling too much.

Starlight wrote:Source of the post I do hope that you will be kind enough to show us your other rooms. Are the other rooms finished or will they be done after this control room?

I will do it with pleasure.
At the moment we have 4 rehearsal rooms ready, one of these is permanently occupied, but for a period, by a friend of ours who has been evicted from the space it previously occupied.
We have 30 audio lines that interconnect the various rehearsal rooms between the 2 control rooms, by means of a manual permutation system on EDACS connectors it is possible to send / receive groups of 8 lines and routing them to both control rooms, I will also document this if interested.
The control room B has been completed since 6 months and works daily, it is the result of my entire design (and realization :x ) inspired by what I learned after 2 years of dedication in acoustics even though I am aware that, it sounds good but it will contain a lot of errors also because already from the predictive analysis with REW it did not respect the ideal criteria to be inspired by the measures that I absolutely could not change.

A live room that we will dedicate ourselves to when our current control room A is concluded.

A room (the largest) that will be used for small concerts ...maybe tracking of wind/brass/strings sections but ... unfortunately only at certain times. Currently this houses our "carpentry" and the material we need to build, here we cut, mill etc etc, but we are not yet as good as you Starlight, I saw your genius in making the space coupler and your accuracy on making your cloud :shock:

Finally, a small (booth) ISO which we will prepare later.

I don't have pictures of everything here, for the weekend I'll do some for you.

Thanks, see you soon


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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Sun, 2021-Jul-18, 13:24

Hello everybody.

I am going to show you some further pictures for what I was asked about the entire structure that has been built to date.
Following the rehearsal rooms 1-4 which are operational, the last, as I had anticipated, is currently used by a friend as a control room.


This the control room B:


This is the "future" live (tracking) room temporarily used as a disengagement:


This is the entrance desk area to the entire structure and the passage to the various rehearsal rooms, at the end...the access to the 2 control rooms and the live room:



This will be our future our event room, currently used as a joinery and space for building material:


This is a small iso / booth that we will complete later:


This is a slice (I don't know if this is the correct way to translate it) of the space we have available above all the rooms, it houses our server, silencers, hvac and a lot of storage space:


This is the control room A we are currently working on and the subject of this "thread", specifically we are working on completing the back wall treatment:


If anyone has particular curiosities that I can satisfy .... I will be happy to do so.

Good all to all


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New Control Room in Italy


Postby gullfo » Sun, 2021-Jul-18, 14:03

looks great! overall very nice workmanship!

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New Control Room in Italy


Postby lostandfound » Mon, 2021-Jul-19, 16:21

Thanks Glenn, I really appreciate it.

Unfortunately, you know, "nice” doesn't necessarily equate to quality. When I joined the "crew" two years ago most of the structure had already been built with several mistakes, we could only partially fix it.

All the best


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