Dynamic insulation component

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Dynamic insulation component


Postby gullfo » Sun, 2021-Aug-01, 13:07

this one is useful for detail drawings, not general use as the re-draw time on the insulation symbols would get out of control. for small specific drawings though, it is good for construction / shop drawing detailed. options for displaying the symbols on one vertical edge or one horizontal edge - both, horizontal, vertical, none. as showing in the attached SU file, all bottom insulation have the horizontal symbols, and only the left-hand insulation have vertical. thus when displaying in 2D for construction/shop plans, you get the insulation symbols, and as 3D views, you just see the insulation (or in wireframe or hidden line - see all).

oh, the insulation component is in the wall frame of the SU 2017 file which is attached ;)

one caveat: the symbols use the insulation depth to define a ratio which is the width of a single segment - however, you can only have whole number copies of segments (quick lesson on dynamic components here) so an adjustment value is calculated to correct (as closely as possible) the actual segment size used in order to create the symbol which is very close to the unit size... so if you see it slightly off, that's why. then again this is really about drawings and in reality, insulation isn't the most precise thing about your walls :ugeek:

hope this helps some folks with their drawings. as usual, my copyright, no warranties explicit or implied, no support.
example insulation component w symbol0004.jpg
example insulation component w symbol0004.jpg (29.78 KiB) Viewed 11590 times
example insulation component w symbol0004.jpg
example insulation component w symbol0004.jpg (29.78 KiB) Viewed 11590 times
example insulation component w symbol0003.jpg
example insulation component w symbol0002.jpg
example insulation component w symbol0002.jpg (28.89 KiB) Viewed 11590 times
example insulation component w symbol0002.jpg
example insulation component w symbol0002.jpg (28.89 KiB) Viewed 11590 times
example insulation component w symbol0001.jpg
example insulation component w symbol.skp
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 921 times
example insulation component w symbol.skp
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 921 times

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Dynamic insulation component


Postby lostandfound » Wed, 2021-Aug-04, 13:19

Thank you Glenn :thu:

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