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Postby Starlight » Sat, 2021-Jun-26, 11:29

Dr Space wrote:Source of the postSlow progress but getting there.
It may feel slow but as you started almost a year after me, I think it looks like rapid progress. Well done!

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Postby Dr Space » Sun, 2021-Jun-27, 07:16

I guess we should be pretty happy with the progress. I hope to hear from Joules soon so I know when he will be coming to do the rest of the inside once they do the basic walls.. Exciting.. 8-)

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Postby endorka » Sun, 2021-Jun-27, 09:30

Most excellent. Even though the setting is completely different, it makes me think of Le Studio, the place Rush recorded in :shot: :jammin:


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Postby Dr Space » Sun, 2021-Jun-27, 14:19

Thanks... it will be smaller than Le Studio but an amazing place for a band or people to record a record and be inspired by the views and nature and peacefulness as well.... Exciting... I hope to see in the next few weeks how Joules will translate Stuarts original design for the inside. It is basically the same with 3 rooms, isolating the control room completely, HVAC above the entrance and control room. It will be interesting to see how he does the control room and flush mounting, etc... I know he does it different than Stuart has in his sketch up drawings.

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Postby Dr Space » Mon, 2021-Jul-05, 08:02

June 15th

Almost finished the framing of the walls and put some of the tubes in yesterday. Wow.. It was really hot, over 30C in the shade so they were glad to be working inside.

June 16th

The guys finished the first layer of the outside of the building with the white insulation. Next is a sort of mesh and then plaster and then 2 layers of paint. They will finish the perimeter framing today and putting in the tubes for the wires (25mm) and 20mm for data and electricity. Then they can start to fill the walls with rock wool. They will have to cut them to fit the 38cm gaps. Plan is to put in the first layer of plasterboard and the internal walls and then they can pour the final concrete floor.

June 17th-18th

They made a huge progress on putting the rock wool into the walls and Paul got the main windows in the live room part all plasterboarded and it looks great. Good progress despite no one showing up on until 12 on Friday and paul only working part of the day Thursday. Looking good though.

June 20th

FUCK….. We had a lot of rain the last couple of days and there is a lot of water inside the studio and one place where it is running down the back wall and onto the floor in a section they already put the rock wool up. Also at the front, water has been dripping through the roof and splashing all over the plasterboard in 2 places. It is quite wet. I have now covered almost half the roof with a black tarp weighted down with bricks. It overhangs the back wall so no water should be getting into that gap between the bricks and cement. I also put a bucket where the water was splashing and some blue insulation for what does come through to splash on and not get the plasterboard any wetter. I also found out that Jose and Gil did not secure the rock wool on Friday (I actually think they totally forgot to go back and cover it) and most of it was uncovered and now soaking wet. Fuck…. (TURNED OUT TO NOT BE A BIG DEAL)

June 22nd

Paul and the guys arrived about 9 today… Paul was only here for 30mins but the guys managed to get all the rock wool in on the perimeter walls and plasterboard on the bottom 2/3rds of one of the side walls. Paul said they would finish all the plasterboard on the perimeter walls tomorrow and they plan to pour the cement for the final floor on Thursday.

After that they can finish the roof (just needs the insulation and tiles) and finish the wall at the top of the roof. They will also need to add an overhang on the side since Paul missed in the plans that the roof was to cover the side wall on the house side.

I asked about the windows but he did not have a delivery date…

June 23rd

Gil and José were here at 8:40, the earliest I have ever seen them before. They are only working inside on the walls so it is cool even though we will get up to 23-24C today. Feels hotter after a week of cold crap summer weather.. The first layer of plasterboard is nearly done all around the perimeter. Paul showed up 10:30 or so and has been working on the internal walls. It is great to see just where those walls will be now. Wow… Not sure if he will only get the frames up today or also the plasterboard. IT will be a lot slower to do the last 1-2 meters of plasterboard for the top. They can get a lot done when all 3 of them are here. I got a bill for 1000€ from Paul but no details except that it was for labour and additional costs for doing the inside of the studio. I am asking for a breakdown, so I know what I am paying for..

June 24th

Gil and José showed up about 10 til 9 and seem set on pouring the entrance way floor straight away. Gil is making the cement (it is hot today, going to be 28C in the shade) and José is spreading it out to make the smooth floor. Still having the crane is making this job much easier. It is still probably 20 loads of cement as you only get 2 full wheelbarrows per batch that can be brought down with the crane. It is pretty smooth but there are still some semi-circular lines that stick up. I hope you won’t feel these through the linoleum floor. Not sure yet what the floor will be in the entrance way yet. I guess they will leave today when they are finished with this as they can’t get in the building to do much after this unless they crawl through one of the smaller window slots but these are partially covered up with the outside insulation. We will see…

Wrote to Joules today about a simple contract and what materials he might want ordered soon. Busy man…

June 25th

Gil and José should up at 1215 today.. Cement in the entrance way was hard and pretty smooth but some semi-circular lines. I guess this can not be avoided. Hope you don’t feel them through the linoleum. Anyway, thought they would pour cement today but it is too late so they are starting to put the 2nd layer of plaster board up now in the front of the building. I wish we had some windows now as this is the final wall and vulnerable if we do get some wet weather. Lets see how far they get with the 2nd layer of plasterboard.

June 29th

Paul arrived first at 8:40 and we discussed the new bill 680€ (for the labour for the inside wall building) and what will happen this week. They will not pour the floor until tomorrow in the live room and will focus on the 2nd layer of plaster board for the walls. They will not do the roof this week so if it still looks like possible rain on Saturday, we will have to cover the roof with plastic again. Progress is slow..

Anyway, the guys got almost the entire perimeter done with the 2nd layer of plasterboard now. Probably 2hrs work in the morning with Paul and they will be ready to do the floor, I guess. The internal walls still do not have the rock wool and 1st layer of plasterboard on yet.

June 30th

Guys were here about 8:45 and Paul showed up about 11. They finished the other side wall with the 2nd layer of plasterboard, so only the front of the live room is left and the middle walls between the control room, live room and entrance room. They are pouring the live room floor at the moment. Paul estimates it is about 2m3 of cement, about 20 mixer loads. Gil is making the cement and Paul and José are spreading it out to 5 cm and making it very even and hopefully smooth. It is very dry cement. Seems it was too wet when they did the entrance way and that is why we have all the ridges. Shot some pics and videos of them pouring the cement through the roof. They will get back here on Friday by Lunch..

I confirmed with Paul and Joules now about the ceiling and Paul will make the flat entrance way ceiling with a hatch and then the suspended ceiling only for the live room and not the rest of the building. Paul figures it is maybe 2 weeks to finish all the inside, which includes the taping, filling and painting of the walls inside as well as the ceiling.

July 2nd

Guys showed up about 13 today. Only managed to get the front (windows) wall and part of the entrance room wall finished with the 2nd layer of plasterboard. Turns out one of the dogs walked in their on the wet cement so there are a few paw prints! Damn… Anyway, the entire live room is boarded now so I can get the final dimensions for the printed vinyl floor and send these to dave! It is going to look pretty amazing.. I covered the roof with plastic with the guys today as there is like 40% chance for rain tomorrow and it could just ruin the walls if all that water comes in through the roof cement ceiling since we still have no roof. I think they will do the roof next week.

July 5th
We did not get any significant rain on Saturday but tonight and into the early part of tomorrow is over 80% chance they say. Roof is pretty well covered so I hope we have no issues. Spoke to Paul today and they will now focus on the roof. Fotos below all taken on July 1st.

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Postby Starlight » Mon, 2021-Jul-05, 09:18

Now you have someone on the roof and another inside we can get a better impression of the size of the building and rooms.

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Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Jul-05, 11:43

I also found out that Jose and Gil did not secure the rock wool on Friday (I actually think they totally forgot to go back and cover it) and most of it was uncovered and now soaking wet.
Fortunately, mineral wool will dry out OK, and not lose its shape or effectiveness. Not so for some other types of insulation! Fiberglass, for example, usually ends up as a soggy mess, but mineral wool usually survives and recovers OK.

Pity about the drywall, though! They really should inspect that carefully, and see if it needs replacing. Ordinary drywall does not hold up too wll to getting soaked, but surface moisture is usually not a problem, as long as it can dry completely.

It is pretty smooth but there are still some semi-circular lines that stick up. I hope you won’t feel these through the linoleum floor.
Red flags! Depending on how prominent the ridges are. Check with the manufacturer of the linoleum to find out what the maximum permitted unevenness is, and measure those ridges! This could be an issue long-term: Those ridges might not show through the linoleum initially, but after a lot of walking and heavy loads have passed over, they might become noticeable in the future. Check on this carefully, and if the floor does not meet spec, make sure they fix it!

It is very dry cement. Seems it was too wet when they did the entrance
Another red flag: Concrete should be mixed with just the right water content, measured with reasonable care. To dry, and it won't hydrate properly as it cures, ending up "sandy". Too wet and it won't be strong enough, ending up "flaky". Learn how to do the "slump test" yourself (google it!), and test every batch they make. There's a rang of allowable slump for different mixes and different purposes, so as long as they are inside that range, you are OK.

Just a few comments on your update...

- Stuart -

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Postby Dr Space » Mon, 2021-Jul-05, 14:41

Soundman2020 wrote:Source of the post
I also found out that Jose and Gil did not secure the rock wool on Friday (I actually think they totally forgot to go back and cover it) and most of it was uncovered and now soaking wet.
Fortunately, mineral wool will dry out OK, and not lose its shape or effectiveness. Not so for some other types of insulation! Fiberglass, for example, usually ends up as a soggy mess, but mineral wool usually survives and recovers OK.

This all worked out fine as it has been very dry and warm.

Pity about the drywall, though! They really should inspect that carefully, and see if it needs replacing. Ordinary drywall does not hold up too wll to getting soaked, but surface moisture is usually not a problem, as long as it can dry completely.

Nothing got wet really as they had not yet put any walls up when all this rain water came into the building.

It is pretty smooth but there are still some semi-circular lines that stick up. I hope you won’t feel these through the linoleum floor.
Red flags! Depending on how prominent the ridges are. Check with the manufacturer of the linoleum to find out what the maximum permitted unevenness is, and measure those ridges! This could be an issue long-term: Those ridges might not show through the linoleum initially, but after a lot of walking and heavy loads have passed over, they might become noticeable in the future. Check on this carefully, and if the floor does not meet spec, make sure they fix it!

They have a plan to sand all the lines down and make is smooth.

It is very dry cement. Seems it was too wet when they did the entrance
Another red flag: Concrete should be mixed with just the right water content, measured with reasonable care. To dry, and it won't hydrate properly as it cures, ending up "sandy". Too wet and it won't be strong enough, ending up "flaky". Learn how to do the "slump test" yourself (google it!), and test every batch they make. There's a rang of allowable slump for different mixes and different purposes, so as long as they are inside that range, you are OK.

They poured the live room floor much more dry and it is smoother for sure except for where one of dogs snuck in and left a few paw prints!

>Just a few comments on your update...

Thanks Stuart.. I am glad you are back and following the thread..
all the best
aka dr space..

- Stuart -

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Postby Dr Space » Fri, 2021-Jul-16, 14:01

They finished most of the roof this week and also got nearly all the interior walls taped, plastered and sanded, except the control room. Looking good. About 2 more weeks or work and the building will be done and ready for Joules to do the rest of the inside. Still no word when the windows arrive though. Have a good weekend..

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Postby Dr Space » Fri, 2021-Jul-16, 14:16

July 6th

Gil and José showed up a bit before 9 and are focusing in finishing the interior walls, it seems. We had some rain last night and there was a small leak in the ceiling where the pole meets the roof but no walls there so not a big deal at all. Hardly any water. Phew…

Paul showed up today for a brief bit and we talked about the money squeeze he is in as he can not get the VAT money back that he has paid (but I have not) until mid August, at least. Got a few invoices that I have to pay for the labor on the wall in the front of the building. 400€.. Anyway, the materials for the roof will arrive on Thursday, so they plan to focus on that once the stuff is here. The interior walls will be double boarded and filled with rock wool by the end of the day. They will also extend the interior wall above the control room to the ceiling. All that will be left on the inside for them to do is patch, tape and paint the inside walls white.

Paul said the places where the dog walked on the wet cement will be filled with latex when we lay the linoleum floor.

July 7th

Gil and José were here about 8:50. They worked only on the internal walls. Almost all the walls have rock wool and at least the first layer of drywall now. They only have two small areas left to put rock wool. Then the 2nd layer of the plasterboard. Materials for the roof should come tomorrow. Mario’s is often not delivering when they say they do though. At least they fixed our road today!! Finally after 26 months of waiting. Good progress though.. I they can probably finish the 2nd layer on all the remaining walls in one more day. Then they have to tape, fill and paint but I guess they don’t do this until they finish the suspended ceiling in the live room.

July 8th

Guys made great progress on the walls. Almost totally done with the 2nd layer all the way around.

July 9th

Measured the final floor for the live room 5 x 6.27 x 6.2 x 4.08. About 30m2. I can order the final floor at some point now. Just need to get David Graham to resize the image!! José is working by himself today. One wall left to finish in the control room and then we can move all the plasterboard out into the live room so it will be clear for Joules.. Exciting.

Spoke to Joules and looks like they will not start before end of August. Bummer… He said for the walls, to just put the primer coat of paint after they will all the holes and joints with filler.

July 13th
The guys worked more on the taping, plastering and filling and a bit of sanding on the internal walls.

July 14th
They finally started on the roof. They start with putting the 6cm thermal layer first and these are all interlocked so nothing much can get through to the roof. They are all cut to size. Then they attach the tile rails and then the tiles. They finished about 1/2 the roof. It was over 30C today so hot for those guys.. Phew

July 15th

They finished the major part of the roof and just have to cement the top tiles into the wall and do the sides and it will be complete. Looks great…

July 16th

They only did the cementing today and cleaning up all the plasterboard pieces, rock wool, and different plastic and stuff that has littered the place. They also moved the scaffolding and other stuff from in front of the building so we can do the tiling when ever we want to. They started like 11 today. I will take some pictures of the inside this weekend now that they have cleaned up a lot except in the control room. All the plasterboard will be moved into the live room next week.

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Postby Soundman2020 » Sun, 2021-Aug-01, 21:33

It's so great to see your place finally coming together like this, after all the looong istory of setbacks you had along the way!

- Stuart -

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Postby Dr Space » Wed, 2021-Aug-04, 08:12

THANKS STUART... It is not going to be exactly what you designed but pretty close. Here are the latest updates:

July 20th

Paul and José showed up a bit before 9.. Gil had a car accident so is out of work for a bit. Cleaned up some stuff on the roundabout and are moving the plasterboard out of the control room so that it will be totally ready for Joules when he arrives. They still need to tape and plaster that room though. After that they are off to the other job they are doing and only Paul will maybe be back. He will check on the windows today.. They were here about 1.5hrs.. Paul did not come back.

July 21st

Paul showed up in the afternoon and worked until a bit after 17 on the roof sides to get the overhangs sorted out. Looks really good what he is doing. Looks like he will be back tomorrow as well.

July 22nd

Paul showed up at 13 or so and left around 16. He managed to finish the front left corner overhang tiles and it looks great. He cut all the steel for the other side now and thinks he can bang it all out in one day.

July 28th

Paul showed up in the late morning and has been working on the rest of the roof overhang and looks to finish more than half of it today. They guys showed up with a tractor around 14:30 and are loading up all the huge steel frames that were used to build the retaining wall as they will take the crane away tomorrow morning. Finally…. Not sure what else work will get done this week though. Seems the windows are not arriving until September now. Fuck…

July 29th

They removed the crane today and Paul moved some stuff around but that was all that was done today.

Aug 4th

They are finally back today to put in the concrete vegas and close the gap between the land and huge retaining wall. They will then back fill it with dirt and build the brick wall up three layers. They also tried to straighten the roof tiles today. Looks better but not perfect. Not that hot today which is good for them. Mostly cloudy…. They plan to return next week and do the suspended ceiling in the live room. I hope they will finish the outside soon as well. They are pretty close to done with everything and then we wait for Joules and his worker.

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Postby Starlight » Wed, 2021-Aug-04, 09:18

Scott, I can sense your wanting things to happen a bit quicker, like not having to wait a few days for some workers to come again.

I don't know what relationship you have with them but what I have been doing is asking my builder about what I can do to help him, whether painting a wall, clearing up his mess at the end of a day, bringing tools and materials to him while he works. I see you have moved plasterboard into the live room. I wonder what else you can do to help them work faster or save time when they start or finish a day.

I am enjoying following your build and look forward to more photos to see how it is coming along.

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Postby Dr Space » Sat, 2021-Aug-07, 08:31

Here are some recent pictures of the work on the outside and around the building. Nothing new has happened on the inside.
Almost done with the roof on the right side now
Doing the last of the roof on the left side of building.
Running the electricity tube to the house
Gap is closed now and cemented.
Closing the gap at the back of the building

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Postby Dr Space » Wed, 2021-Sep-08, 05:41

Aug 5th

Paul showed up this afternoon and cleaned up a lot of the mess and flattened out the lands around the top of the building, dug a ditch to bring the electricity cable from the house to the studio. I forgot yesterday they also replaced a drainage pipe that was crushed by one of the cement truck loads. This was important as without it we had problems with too much water after heavy rains dirt washing out into our driveway. They take a week at another job and will be back on the 16th..

What is left to do:

Finish the roof sides
Build the wall at the top and close the gap between the rear wall and the studio wall at the back
Finish the final rendering of the outside
Window sills and windows (September)
Suspended ceiling inside the live room
Ceiling in the entrance room (also suspended)
Tape and plaster the rest of the walls, smooth out.
One coat of paint (might do this myself)

Aug 19th

We have been away to the coast for a few days and I was very interested to see what they got done. Turns out virtually nothing has been done. This is becoming very frustrating that they just never seem to work here anymore. Paul was here when we arrived today and you could see that he had worked a few hrs on the roof on one side but that was it this week. Fuck… He promises they will be working again starting on Tuesday afternoon til Friday.. 2.5 days…. I wrote Paul a email that we are quite disappointed that the job just feels like it could never end. Doubt it makes any difference….

Aug 24th

They finally showed up to work again at about 14 and worked until about 17. They started on the rendering for the outside of the building on the right side (Facing building). They apply a sort of concrete like plaster to the 8cm white insulation and then put a mesh over that and then more of the plaster stuff. This has to have a couple of layers and then the next step. Messaged with Joules assistant and they were discussing my project and she said Joules was waiting for some of the distributors to return from vacation so he could start to order some of the things so this was good news they are at least putting some effort into my project now..

Aug 25th

Going to be very hot again today so the guys showed up at 7:15 this morning. They are going to finish the wall at the top of the roof and work more on the rendering. It is only 3 layers of bricks. they had 1.5 layers done by coffee break at 10 or so… They filled the top with cement. They finished the last part of the roof overhang as well. They are not back before Tuesday.

The architect finally came to see the building and he was pretty satisfied. He did say they should do the capouto soon on the front of the building as the insulation is turning yellow and getting soft. He also said that with the way the roof overhangs were done with metal, that this needs to be well protected inside the capouto otherwise the metal will rust and drip through and discolour the building. The roof overhang at the front also needs to have capouto all the way up to the blue insulation. He said this was very important.

Aug 27th

Paul showed up and poured the concrete pillers in the gaps in the wall at the top. That was all the work that was done. Not sure if they work next week or not?? Hope so…

Aug 31st

Paul showed up about 1030 and removed the framing for the pillars and started to work on the rendering of the front of the building. He managed to get the entire front rendered with the first coat, which is good as we are expecting some rain the next days. We closed up most of the open front of the building now so should not be a problem if it rains a lot.. We will see… Looks like no more work will happen this week or maybe next week. Quite frustrating..

Sept 8th

Nothing is happening.... Seems the windows and the door will arrive next week but will they work and put them in?? That is the question??
Still no date from when Joules will start.

here are a few recent pictures as well...

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